Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Asteraceae/ Astéracées - Aster Family
Hieracium lachenalii Suter subsp. cruentifolium (Dahlst. & Lübeck) Zahn
En: common hawkweed, Lachenal's hawkweed, yellow hawkweed, European hawkweed
Fr: épervière vulgaire
Provincial Status: LiNi
Range: Boreal-Temperate cEurope; intr. in eCanada; Nfld. range uncertain; intr. cLab.

[=Hieracium cruentifolium Dahlst. & Lübeck (basionym)]
[=Hiearcium vulgatum Fr., nom. confus.]

[The first Labrador report of this subspecies was made by C. Hanel et al. (2010) from Makkovik.  A more recent report was made by S. Blaney & E. Oberndorfer (2019) from one location along a fallow field at the Pye Farm, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, cLab.  Its persistence in Labrador at the HV-GB site has yet to be determined.  The name Hieracium lachenalii subsp. cruentifolium now replaces H. vulgatum, a name considered to be a nomen confusum (nom. confus.), based on a mixture or more than one species in the type specimen (Greuter et al., 2006+). Subsp. cruentifolium is endemic to eastern Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland), but has been widely introduced in eastern North America.]

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