Brassicaceae/Brassicacées - Mustard Family
Cochlearia tridactylites Banks ex DC.
En: limestone scurvygrass, roundfruit scurvygrass
Fr: cranson tridactyle, cochléaire
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Gulf of St. Lawrence endemic; coastal w/nw/ne/eNfld., N to sLab.; calc., hal.
Fr: cranson tridactyle, cochléaire
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Gulf of St. Lawrence endemic; coastal w/nw/ne/eNfld., N to sLab.; calc., hal.
[=Cochlearia cyclocarpa S.F.Blake (type: Cow Head, wNfld.)]
[The type of Cochlearia tridactylites Banks ex DC. is from seLab. ca. 52° 10' N.]