Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Campanulaceae/Campanulacées - Bellfower Family
Melanocalyx uniflora (L.) Morin
En: arctic harebell, arctic bellflower
Fr: campanule uniflore, campanule à une fleur
IU: tikkingguat
Provincial Status: L
Range: Arctic-alpine NA, nEurope and nSiberia; S to cLab.

[=Campanula uniflora L. (basionym)]

[Research by N. Morin has shown the genus Campanula to be polyphletic; Campanula uniflora is now placed in the genus Melanocalyx.  See: Morin, N.  2020.  Taxonomic changes in North American Campanuloideaea (Campanulaceae).  Phytoneuron 2020-49: 1-46.]

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