Cannabaceae/Cannabacées - Hemp Family
Humulus lupulus L. var. lupulus
En: common hop, European hop
Fr: houblon commun
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in w/eNfld.
Fr: houblon commun
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in w/eNfld.
[=Humulus volubilis Salisb., nom. illeg.]
[=Humulus vulgaris Gilib., nom. inval.]
[=Lupulus amarus Gilib., nom. inval.]
[=Lupulus communis Gaertn., nom. illeg.]
[=Lupulus humulus Mill.]
[=Lupulus scandens Lam., nom. illeg.]
[Humulus lupulus var. lupulus has naturalized/persisted near homesteads in several wNfld. sites, collections by I.J. Green and H. Mann (SWGC). Plants from eastern Newfoundland were collected and photographed from a number of sites, including Bell Island, King's Cove, Clarke's Beach, and Brigus (J. Maunder, Digital Flora of NL).]