Diervillaceae/Diervillacées - Bush-honeysuckle Family
Diervilla lonicera Mill.
En: northern bush-honeysuckle, bush-honeysuckle
Fr: dièreville chèvrefeuille, herbe bleue
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp. eNA; thr. Nfld. (except nw), N to cLab.
Fr: dièreville chèvrefeuille, herbe bleue
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp. eNA; thr. Nfld. (except nw), N to cLab.
[=Diervilla acadiensis Duhamel]
[=Diervilla canadensis Willd.]
[=Diervilla diervilla (L.) MacM., nom. illeg. tautonym]
[=Diervilla humilis Pers.]
[=Diervilla lonicera Mill. var. hypomalaca Fernald]
[=Diervilla lonicera Mill. var. lonicera]
[=Diervilla longifolia Raf.]
[=Diervilla lutea Pursh]
[=Diervilla pariflora Raf.]
[=Diervilla tournefortii Michx.]
[=Diervilla trifida Moench]
[=Lonicera diervilla L.]
[First verified Labrador report of Diervilla lonicera is from the Churchill River Valley, cLab. (understory of an aspen/birch forest), H. Mann & M. Collins (SWGC) 1998.]