Convolvulaceae/Convolvulacées - Morning Glory Family
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. americana (Sims) Brummitt
En: American bindweed, hedge bindweed
Fr: liseron des haies d'Amérique
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Temp. NA; intr. N thr. Nfld.
Fr: liseron des haies d'Amérique
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Temp. NA; intr. N thr. Nfld.
[=Convolvulus sepium L. var. americanus Sims (basionym)]
[=Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. var. americana (Sims) Matsuda]
[=Convolvulus americanus (Sims) J.W.Loud., 1844, non Greene 1898]
[NL reports of Calystegia sepium include both the NA native subsp. americana and the introduced European subsp. sepium. E.G.Voss (1996, vol 3: 99) indicates that subsp. americana can be identified by it's pink flowers, while the European subsp. sepium has white flowers.]