Convolvulaceae/Convolvulacées - Morning Glory Family
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. sepium
En: hedge false bindweed
Fr: liseron des haies
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in s/eNfld.
Fr: liseron des haies
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in s/eNfld.
[=Convolvulus sepium L. (basionym)]
[=Convolvulus sepium L. var. sepium]
[=Volvulus sepium (L.) Junger]
[Not all NL material of Calystegia sepium have been annotated, but verified specimens of subsp. sepium have been found from St. John's, eNfld., and Grand Beach Barasway, near Grand Bank, sNfld. (J. Maunder, pers. comm., NFM).]