Fr: lycopode des Appalaches
IA: kakauat
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Alpine eNA, disj. N of Lake Superior; thr. Nfld. & Lab.; acid.
[=Lycopodium selago L. var. appressum Desv. (basionym)]
[=Huperzia appalachiana Beitel & Mickel] [=Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. forma appressa (Desv.) Gelert]
[=Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. subsp. appressa (Desv.) D.Löve, nom. illeg.]
[=Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. var. appressa (Desv.) Ching]
[=Lycopodium appressum (Desv.) Petrov 1930, nom. illeg. hom., non (Chapm.) F.E.Lloyd & Underw. 1900]
[=Lycopodium selago L. forma reductum Christ]
[=Lycopodium selago L. forma reductum-angustum Christ]
[=Lycopodium selago L. subsp. appressum (Desv.) Hultén]
[=Urostachys selago (L.) Herter forma reductus (Christ) Herter]
[=Urostachys selago (L.) Herter forma reductus-angustus (Christ) Herter ex Nessel]
[=Urostachys selago (L.) Herter var. appressus (Desv.) Herter ex Nessel]
[Huperzia appressa is one of our more common firmosses and may be confused with Huperzia selago; see FNA 2:22 (1993) or Beitel & Mickel (1992). Many specimens previously identified as H. selago are referred to H. appressa or a hybrid of these parents. Testo et al. (2015) report that "H. appressa is restricted to non-calcareous cliffs, outcrops, and talus slopes," and does not overlap in range with H. continentalis.]