Fr: orpin pourpre, herbe à la coupure
Provincial Status: LeNi
Range: Eurasia; cultivated and occ. naturalized in Nfld., cult. in cLab.
[=Sedum telephium L. (basionym)]
[=Anacampseros albida Haw.]
[=Anacampseros purpurea Haw. ex DC. 1828, nom. illeg. hom., non Mill. 1754]
[=Anacampseros triphylla Haw.]
[=Hylotelephium purpureum (L.) Holub]
[=Hylotelephium telephium (L.) H.Ohba subsp. telephium]
[=Hylotelephium triphyllum (Haw.) Holub]
[=Sedum purpurascens W.D.J.Koch]
[=Sedum purpureum (L.) Schult.]
[=Sedum telephium L. subsp. purpureum (L.) Schinz & Keller]
[=Sedum telephium L. var. purpurascens (W.D.J.Koch) Webb]
[=Sedum telephium L. var. purpureum L.]
[=Sedum triphyllum (Haw.) Gray]
[First reported from Labrador by S. Blaney & E. Oberndorfer (2019), where three clumps of plants were present in a wet patch in a hayfield on the Pye Farm, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, cLab.; the persistence of this species in Labrador has yet to be determined.]