Fr: lycopode du continent
Provincial Status: LxN
Range: Arctic-alpine, thr. Canada (exc. NB and NS), nwEurasia; nwNfld. (Little Quirpon), historically present in n-most Lab. (Cape Chidley), now considered extirpated in Labrador.
[=Huperzia haleakalae auct. non Brack.) Holub]
[The first Nfld. collection of Huperzia continentalis, a new species described in Dec. 2016 (Testo et al. 2016), was originally identified as H. haleakalae; it was collected by Dan Brunton & Karen McIntosh from Little Quirpon in 2014. The identity of this specimen as H. continentalis was determined by W. Testo (pers. comm., D. Brunton, Dec. 2015), along with an 1894 specimen from Cape Chidley, northernmost Labrador. Since no specimens other than the 1894 report from Labrador have been reported, this species is considered extirpated in Labrador. All North American specimens previously identified as H. haleakalae are now referred to Huperzia continentalis. See Gilman & Testo (2015) for a key to identifying Huperzia species using gemma characters.]