Ericaceae/Éricacées - Heath Family
Pyrola minor L.
En: lesser pyrola, snowline wintergreen, lesser wintergreen, small shinleaf
Fr: pyrole mineure, petite pyrole
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Circumboreal; thr. Nfld. (except s), N to nLab. (Okak).
Fr: pyrole mineure, petite pyrole
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Circumboreal; thr. Nfld. (except s), N to nLab. (Okak).
[=Amelia minor (L.) Alef.]
[=Braxilia minor (L.) House]
[=Braxilia parviflora Raf.]
[=Erxlebenia minor (L.) Rydb.]
[=Erxlebenia rosea Opiz]
[=Pyrola minor L. var. conferta Cham. & Schltdl.]
[=Pyrola minor L. var. minor]
[=Pyrola montana Bubani, nom. illeg.]