Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Ranunculaceae/Renonculacées - Buttercup Family
Ranunculus hyperboreus Rottb.
En: far-northern buttercup, floating buttercup, high arctic buttercup, arctic crowfoot
Fr: renoncule hyperboréale
IU: iquttair niqingita ajjikasingit
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine circumpolar; S to sLab., nwNfld.

[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. subsp. arnellii Scheutz]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. subsp. hyperboreus]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. subsp. intertextus (Greene) B.M.Kapoor & Á.Löve]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. var. intertextus (Greene) B.Boivin]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. var. samojedorum (Rupr.) Perfilijev]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. var. tricrenatus Rupr.]
[=Ranunculus hyperboreaus Rottb. var. turquetilanus Polunin]
[=Ranunculus intertextus Greene]
[=Ranunculus natans C.A.Mey. var. intertextus (Greene) L.D.Benson]

[Ranunculus hyperboreaus is reported in Nfld. from pool margins on limestone (Bouchard et al. 1991).]

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