Fr: alchémille commune
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: nTemp.-Boreal wEuropean; intr. in St. Johns, eNfld.
[=Alchemilla acutangula Buser]
[=Alchemilla acutangula Buser forma acutiloba]
[=Alchemilla acutangula Buser forma adpressepilosa (H.Lindb.) Hyl. ex Sam.]
[=Alchemilla acutangula Buser forma intonsa S.E.Fröhner]
[=Alchemilla acutangula Buser var. adpressepilosa H.Lindb.]
[=Alchemilla latifolia Salisb.]
[=Alchemilla palmata E.Mey. subsp. acutangula (Buser) Palitz]
[=Alchemilla semihirta Buser]
[=Alchemilla sylvestris F.W.Schmidt var. acutangula (Buser) Hayek]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. agg., p.p.]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. subsp. acutiloba (Opiz) Dostál]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. subsp. acutangula (Buser) Murb.]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. subsp. assurgens Braun-Blanq.]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. acutangula (Buser) Asch. & Graebn.]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. acutangula (Buser) R.Keller 1908, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Buser) Asch. & Graebn. 1902]
[=Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. acutiloba (Opiz) Stoj., Stef. & Kitan.]
[=Potentilla acutiloba (Opiz) Christenh. & Väre]
[The presence of Alchemilla acutiloba in NL is based on annotations by J. McNeill, author of the FNA treatment of Alchmilla, of images from near the St. John's airport, taken by J. Maunder (pers. comm., J. McNeill to J. Maunder, Dec. 2013). This report came too late for detailed inclusion of the this species in the recent FNA volume on Rosaceae, but there is a brief mention of this new record (FNA vol. 9: 303). This record (NFM) is the first report of A. acutiloba in North America, as well as in NL. Several reports of Alchemilla from the Avalon peninsula were previously identified as A. vulgaris L., which is now considered to be an aggregate species composed of several apomictic species (agamospecies), including A. acutiloba, A. micans, and A. monticola.]