Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Juncaginaceae/Joncaginacées - Arrow Grass Family
Triglochin gaspensis Lieth & D.Löve
En: Gaspé arrowgrass
Fr: troscart de Gaspésie
Provincial Status: LN
Range: eCanada and Puerto Rico; thr. coastal Nfld., seLab.

[The first Labrador report of Triglochin gaspensis was made in 2004 by C. Hanel, T. Keats, and R. Belbin from Red Bay, seLab. (C. Hanel 2005). The genus Triglochin was originally published by Lieth & D. Löve as neuter (including Triglochin gaspense, T. maritimum, and T. palustre), but is now considered feminine according to the ICBN rules, hence the spelling changes in the specific epithets (FNA, vol. 22, 2000).]

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