Fr: agrostide des chiens
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Eurasia; intr. in sw/w/ne/c/eNfld.
[=Agraulus caninus (L.) P.Beauv.]
[=Agraulus pallidus (With.) Gray]
[=Agrestis canina (L.) Bubani]
[=Agrostis affinis Kunth 1833, nom. illeg. hom., non Schult.1824]
[=Agrostis alba L. forma aristata Millsp., nom. illeg.]
[=Agrostis alba L. var. aristata Spenn.]
[=Agrostis alpina Leyss. 1783, nom. illeg. hom., non Scop. 1772]
[=Agrostis arenaria Schur, nom. inval., pro syn.]
[=Agrostis arenosa Schur, nom. inval., pro syn.]
[=Agrostis canina L. forma fasciculata J.Rousseau]
[=Agrostis canina L. forma mutica Gaudin]
[=Agrostis canina L. var. alba Desv.]
[=Agrostis canina L. var. alpina (Leyss.) Ducommun]
[=Agrostis canina L. var. arenosa Schur]
[=Agrostis canina L. var. canina]
[=Agrostis pallidus With.]
[=Agrostis tenuifolia Curtis]
[=Milium caninum (L.) Lag.]
[=Trichodium arenarium Schur, nom. inval.]
[=Trichodium arenosum (Schur) Schur]
[=Trichodium caninum (L.) Schrad.]
[Scoggan (1978) reports that a specimen of Agrostis canina from Cartwright had been identified by Malte (CAN), but another Labrador report (St. John, 1922) is referred to A. (borealis) mertensii. Agrostis canina should probably be considered of doubtful occurrence in Labrador, as the specimen is not clearly identified (L. Brouillet, pers. comm., Nov. 2016). Verification of the Labrador report is required.]