Fr: ammophile à ligule courte
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Coastal, nTemp. eNA, Great Lakes, & St. Lawrence River Valley; N to sw/w/nw/s/seNfld., sLab.
[=Ammophila breviligulata Fernald (basionym)]
[=Ammophila arenaria auct. non (L.) Link]
[Some species of the genus Ammophila, including A. breviligulata, were recently included in the genus Calamagrostis (Saarela et al. 2017). Calamagrostis breviligulata (Fernald) Saarela subsp. breviligulata occurs in Canada and the U.S., but subsp. champlainensis (F.Seym.) Saarela does not extend north into Canada. In Gray's Manual (1970, p. 151), Ammophila was separated from Calamagrostis by its awnless lemma. NF reports of Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link (marram grass) are referred to Calamagrostis brevigulata. Historic Labrador reports of Calamagrostis (as Ammophila) breviligulata were thought to refer to the Côte Nord, eQuébec (Scoggan 1978), however, a specimen collected by Darbyshire in 1990 (MT) confirms the presence of this species in Labrador (L. Brouillet, pers. comm., Jan. 2017).]