Poaceae/Poacées - Grass Family
Festuca frederikseniae E.B.Alexeev
En: Frederiksen's fescue, North Atlantic fescue
Fr: fétuque de Frederiksen, fétuque hérissée
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic amphi-Atlantic; S to cLab., w/nw/neNfld.; calc. often coastal.
Fr: fétuque de Frederiksen, fétuque hérissée
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic amphi-Atlantic; S to cLab., w/nw/neNfld.; calc. often coastal.
[=Festuca frederikseniae E.B.Alexeev var. hirsuta Schol.]
[=Festuca ovina L. var. hirsuta Lange 1880, nom. illeg. hom., non St.-Amans 1821]
[=Festuca vivipara (L.) Sm. subsp. hirsuta (Schol.) Frederiksen]
[=Festuca vivipara (L.) Sm. var. hirsuta Schol. 1933]
[Festuca frederikseniae occurs more frequently on calcareous areas of Nfld. than collections indicate, based on 1999 surveys by the NFRPP. NL reports of F. vivipara are referred to F. frederikseniae. Festuca ovina var. hirsuta Lange, 1880, is considered an illegitimate homonym, making F. vivipara var. hirsuta Schol. 1933, the accepted basionym.]