Fr: séneçon des marais
Provincial Status: L
Range: Circumpolar, N to nLab. (Battle Harbour, Indian Harbour).
[=Othonna palustris L. (basionym)]
[=Cineraria congesta R.Br.]
[=Cineraria palustris (L.) L.]
[=Senecio arcticus Rupr.]
[=Senecio congestus (R.Br.) DC.]
[=Senecio congestus (R.Br.) DC. subsp. tonsus (Fernald) Á.Löve & D.Löve]
[=Senecio congestus (R.Br.) DC. var. laceratus (L.) Fernald]
[=Senecio congestus (R.Br.) DC. var. palustris (L.) Fernald]
[=Senecio congestus (R.Br.) DC. var. tonsus Fernald]
[=Senecio palustris (L.) Hook. 1834, nom. illeg. hom., non Vell. 1831]
[=Senecio palustris (L.) Hook. var. congestus (R.Br.) Hook.]
[=Senecio palustris (L.) Hook. var. laceratus Ledeb.]
[=Senecio tubicaulis Mansf.]
[=Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. subsp. congesta (R.Br.) Holub]
[Recent observations of Tephroseris palustris from Battle Harbour Natl. Historic Site: J. Maunder in 2003, and S.J. Meades, M. Burzynski, and A. Marceau in 2004, combine with three historic reports of T. palustris, as Senecio congestus, from seLab. (Rev. Waghorne, Bolster Rocks and Seal Island, 1892) and (E. Abbe, Battle Harbour, 1931) to confirm the long-term existence of this rare species in seLabrador.]