Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Fabaceae/Fabacées - Legume Family
Vicia cracca L.
En: tufted vetch, cow vetch, bird vetch
Fr: vesce jargeau, vesce à feuilles grêles, vesce à feuilles menues
Provincial Status: LiNi
Range: Eurasia; thr. Nfld., N to cLab.

[=Ervum cracca (L.) Trautv.]
[=Vicia azurea Schur 1877, nom. illeg. hom., non K.Koch 1847]
[=Viccia communis Rouy, nom. illeg.]
[=Vicia cracca L. forma canescens Maxim.]
[=Vicia cracca L. subsp. cracca]
[=Vicia cracca L. subsp. heteropus Freyn]
[=Vicia cracca L. subsp. tenuifolia (Roth) Gaudin]
[=Vicia cracca L. var. canescens (Maxim.) Franch. & Sav.]
[=Vicia cracca L. var. cracca]
[=Vicia cracca L. var. japonica Miq.]
[=Vicia cracca L. var. tenuifolia (Roth) Beck]
[=Vicia lilacina Ledeb.]
[=Vicia macrophylla B.Fedtsch.]
[=Vicia multiflora Lam. 1779, nom. illeg. hom., non Pollich 1777]
[=Vicia pontica Willd.] [=Vicia tenuifolia Roth]

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