Orobanchaceae/Orobanchacées - Broomrape Family
Aphyllon uniflorum (L. ) Torr. & A.Gray
En: oneflower broomrape, oneflower cancerroot, naked broomrape
Fr: orobanche uniflore
Provincial Status: N
Range: Temp.-sBoreal eNA; thr. Nfld. (except s).
Fr: orobanche uniflore
Provincial Status: N
Range: Temp.-sBoreal eNA; thr. Nfld. (except s).
[=Orobanche uniflora L. (basionym)]
[=Anoplanthus uniflorus (L.) Endl.]
[=Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A.Gray var. uniflorum]
[=Orobanche terrae-novae Fernald (type: Barr'd Harbour, nwNfld.)]
[=Orobanche uniflora L. var. terrae-novae (Fernald) Achey]
[=Orobanche uniflora L. var. typica Achey, nom. inval.]
[=Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora]
[=Thalesia uniflora (L.) Britton]
[Based on work by A.C. Schneider (2016), the genus Orobanche has been divided into two genera, with all New World species, including O. uniflora, now placed in the genus Aphyllon.]