Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Plantaginaceae/Plantaginacées - Plantain Family
Hippuris tetraphylla L.f.
En: fourleaf mare's-tail
Fr: hippuride à quatre feuilles, pesse à quatre feuilles
Provincial Status: L
Range: Coastal nNA, nEurasia; S thr. coastal Lab.; aq., hal.
[=Hippuris tetraphyllla L.f. forma tetraphylla]
[Most plants previously reported from Labrador and identified as possible specimens of Hippuris lanceolata have been referred to H. tetraphylla (R. Elven, pers. comm. to J. Maunder, July 3, 2009). The MT specimen mentioned above, under H. lanceolata, had not been examined previously by R. Elven, but now confirms the presence of H. lanceolata in Labrador.]
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