Plantaginaceae/Plantaginacées - Plantain Family
Veronica verna L.
En: spring speedwell, vernal speedwell
Fr: véronique du printemps, véronique printanière, véronique spontanée
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in Canada (NL, NS, NB, ON, BC); wNfld.
Fr: véronique du printemps, véronique printanière, véronique spontanée
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; intr. in Canada (NL, NS, NB, ON, BC); wNfld.
[=Agerella verna (L.) Fourr.]
[=Cardia verna (L.) Dulac]
[=Veronica brevistyla Moris]
[=Veronica polygonoides Lam.]
[=Veronica verna L. subsp. brevistyla (Moris) Rouy]
[=Veronica verna L. var. polygonoides (Lam.) Rouy]
[The first report of Veronica verna in Nfld. was made by Michael Oldham (MJO #44091) in July 2017 from the camping area of Barachois Provincial Park, wNfld. Persistence of this species in NL is unknown.]