Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Ophioglossaceae/Ophioglossacées - Adder's Tongue Family
Botrychium ascendens W.H.Wagner
En: upswept moonwort, upward-lobed moonwort
Fr: botryche ascendant
Provincial Status: N
Range: Mainly wNA; disjunct in several isolated locations in neNA, including nON, Mingan Isl., nw/neNfld.

[This allotetraploid species of moonwort was reported from neNfld. based on historical collections from the Fogo Islands, originally identified as Botrychium campestre (Wagner 1990). Genetic analysis by Zika and Farrar on recent collections from the site locations have confirmed the presence of Botrychium ascendens in insular Newfoundland (Zika and Farrar 2009).]

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