Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex stylosa C.A.Mey.
En: longstyle sedge, variegated sedge
Fr: carex à long style
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Amphi-Beringian disjunct; N to w/nwNfld., N to nLab. (Okak).
Fr: carex à long style
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Amphi-Beringian disjunct; N to w/nwNfld., N to nLab. (Okak).
[=Carex beringiana Cham. ex Steud.]
[=Carex nigritella Drejer]
[=Carex rigida Tuck. 1843, nom. illeg. hom., non Schrank 1789]
[=Carex stylosa C.A.Mey. var. nigritella (Drejer) Fernald]
[=Carex stylosa C.A.Mey. var. stylosa]
[An unnamed hybrid of Carex saxatilis × C. stylosa is reported from Labrador (Brouillet et al. 2010+).]