Fr: carex utriculé
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Circumboreal; ?thru. Nfld., N to w/c/seLab.
[=Carex ampullacea Gooden. var. utriculata (Boott) J.Carey]
[=Carex bullata Willd. subsp. laevirostris (Blytt ex Fr.) Fr.]
[=Carex bullata Willd. var. laevirostris Blytt ex Fr.]
[=Carex inflata Huds. var. utriculata (Boott) Druce]
[=Carex laevirostris (Blytt ex Fr.) Anderss. 1849, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Blytt ex Fr.) Fr. 1844]
[=Carex laevirostris (Blytt ex Fr.) Fr.]
[=Carex laevirostris (Blytt ex Fr.) Fr. forma gracilior Kük.]
[=Carex rhynchophysa C.A.Mey.]
[=Carex robusta F.Nyl., nom. inval.]
[=Carex rostrata Stokes forma minor (Boott) Kük.]
[=Carex rostrata Stokes subsp. utriculata (Boott) Asch. & Graebn.]
[=Carex rostrata Stokes var. utriculata (Boott) L.H.Bailey]
[=Carex utriculata Boott var. globosa Olney]
[=Carex utriculata Boott var. minor Boott]
[=Carex utriculata Boott var. sparsiflora Dewey]
[=Carex ventricosa Franch. 1895, nom. illeg. nom., non Curtis 1788]
[=Carex vesicaria L. subsp. lacustris Th.Fr.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. utriculata (Boott) Dewey]
[The North American treatment of Carex utriculata differs from the European understanding of these taxa, where C. rhynchophysa is recognized as a distinct species and C. utriculata is considered restricted to North America. See notes under the description of C. utriculata in the Panarctic Flora (Elven et al. 2011). ]