Fr: carex vésiculeux
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Circumboreal; thr. Nfld., N to w/cLab. (Goose Bay, Lower Churchill River valley).
[=Carex bongardiana C.A.Mey.]
[=Carex miliaris Michx. var. raeana (Boott) Kük.]
[=Carex monile Tuck.]
[=Carex monile Tuck. var. monstrosa L.H.Bailey]
[=Carex monile Tuck. var. raeana (Boott) L.H.Bailey]
[=Carex raeana Boott]
[=Carex saxatilis L. var. alpigena Fr.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. forma monstrosa (L.H.Bailey) Kük.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. distenta Fr.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. jejuna Fernald]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. laurentiana Fernald (type: Doctor Hill, nwNfld.)]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. monile (Tuck.) Boeck.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. monile (Tuck.) Boeck. 1877, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Tuck.) Fernald 1901]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. monstrosa (L.H.Bailey) Farw.]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. raeana (Boott) Fernald]
[=Carex vesicaria L. var. vesicaria]
[An unnamed hybrid of Carex saxatilis × C. vesicaria is reported from Labrador (Brouillet et al. 2010+).]