Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador

NL-Flora Photo Gallery

After selecting a species, scroll down to below the thumbnails to see the species images.
Species Image Index
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Sabulina rubella (reddish sandwort)

Sagittaria cuneata (northern arrowhead)

Sagittaria latifolia (broadleaf arrowhead)

Salicornia depressa (Virginia glasswort)

Salix arctophila (northern willow)

Salix argyrocarpa (Labrador willow)

Salix bebbiana (Bebb's willow)

Salix calcicola (limestone willow)

Salix candida (hoary willow)

Salix cordata (heartleaf willow)

Salix discolor (pussy willow)

Salix eriocephala (cottony willow)

Salix glauca var. cordifolia (beautiful willow)

Salix herbacea (snowbed willow)

Salix humilis (upland willow)

Salix jejuna (barrens willow)

Salix lucida (shining willow)

Salix myricoides (bayberry willow)

Salix pedicellaris (bog willow)

Salix pellita (satiny willow)

Salix planifolia (tealeaf willow)

Salix pyrifolia (balsam willow)

Salix reticulata (netvein willow)

Salix uva-ursi (bearberry willow)

Salix vestita (hairy willow)

Salix viminalis (basket willow) (i)

Sanguisorba canadensis (bottlebrush)

Sarracenia purpurea (pitcher plant)

Saxifraga aizoides (yellow mountain saxifrage)

Saxifraga oppositifolia (purple mountain saxifrage)

Saxifraga paniculata subsp. laestadii (encrusted saxifrage)

Sceptridium multifidum (leathery grapefern)

Scheuchzeria palustris (podgrass)

Schizaea pusilla (curlygrass fern)

Scrophularia nodosa (knotty figwort) (i)

Scutellaria galericulata (marsh skullcap)

Senecio pseudoarnica (seabeach groundsel)

Shepherdia canadensis (soapberry)

Sibbaldia procumbens (creeping sibbaldia)

Sibbaldia tridentata (threetooth cinquefoil)

Silene acaulis (moss campion)

Sium suave (water parsnip)

Solidago sempervirens (seaside goldenrod)

Spinulum annotinum (bristly clubmoss)

Spiraea alba var. latifolia (broadleaf meadowsweet)

Spiranthes romanzoffiana (hooded ladies-tresses)

Streptopus amplexifolius (claspingleaf twisted-stalk)

Streptopus lanceolatus (rose twisted-stalk)

Surfaces & Textures A-F

Surfaces & Textures G-L

Surfaces & Textures M-P

Surfaces & Textures R-Z

Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry) (i)

Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (New York aster)

Symphyotrichum puniceum (purplestem aster)
Salix lucida (shining willow)