Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador

NL-Flora Photo Gallery

After selecting a species, scroll down to below the thumbnails to see the species images.
Species Image Index
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Laburnum xwatereri (golden chain tree) (i)

Lathyrus japonicus (beach pea)

Leaf Apices

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Attachment

Leaf Bases

Leaf Margins

Leaf Parts

Leaf Shape

Leaf Types

Leymus mollis (strand wheat)

Ligusticum scoticum (Scots lovage)

Limonium carolinianum (Carolina sea lavender)

Lobelia dortmanna (water lobelia)

Lobelia kalmii (brook lobelia)

Lomatogonium rotatum (marsh felwort)

Lonicera villosa (mountain fly-honeysuckle)

Lupinus polyphyllus (largeleaf lupine) (i)

Lysimachia (Glaux) maritima (sea milkwort)

Lysimachia terrestris (swamp candles)
Lathyrus japonicus (beach pea)